Scientific Program

The scientific program of ICPEAC 2023 consisted of five plenary lectures of 60 minutes length each (including discussion), more than 60 invited progress reports (30 minutes, including discussion), a smaller number of special reports selected from the contributed abstracts (15 minutes, including discussion), and several hundred posters. Plenary talks are of general interest to all participants. Progress reports and special reports were arranged in two parallel sessions and are intended to provide an in-depth view of the current state of research across the different topics of the ICPEAC community. In addition, the winner of the IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize (previously Young Scientist Prize) in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics was invited to present a 30-minute talk.

Two public lectures by two high-profile Canadian scientists were part of the program. The first public lecture was delivered by Canada’s most recent Nobel Laureate in Physics, Professor Donna Strickland from the University of Waterloo, on Wednesday, July 26. The second public lecture was given by Professor Teresa Scassa from the Centre for Law, Technology and Society of the University of Ottawa on the trending topic of artificial intelligence. This lecture was given on Thursday evening, July 27. The public lectures were open to conference participants, accompanying persons, and the general public free of charge.

Continuing a relatively recent ICPEAC tradition that was started in 2013, a set of four tutorial lectures took place on July 25 at the University of Ottawa in the Faculty of Social Sciences building.  The lectures provided pedagogical accounts of the most recent advances in the field of photonic, electronic and atomic collisions. While targeting students and young postdocs, all registered ICPEAC delegates were welcome to attend the tutorials free of extra charge.


Final Conference Program


The detailed program and schedule is now available here (19MBytes):


Conference Program


The conference program contains the abstracts of the tutorial, plenary, progress and special report talks. It also contains the list of accepted posters. A printed copy of the Conference Program was distributed to ICPEAC delegates at the registration desk.


Book of Abstracts


The complete book of abstracts can be downloaded here (47MBytes):


Book of Abstracts


The Book of Abstracts is a compilation of all contributions accepted and scheduled for poster presentations at the XXXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, held in Ottawa, Ontario from July 25 to August 1, 2023 (ICPEAC 2023). All abstracts submitted by March 19, 2023 were reviewed by the ICPEAC General Committee. Post-deadline abstracts were reviewed by the Local Organizing Committee of ICPEAC 2023.


ICPEAC Business Meeting

All ICPEAC attendees were invited to participate in the ICPEAC business meeting on Tuesday, August 1 at 12:30 pm. The meeting included the ICPEAC treasurer’s and secretary’s reports, the announcement of new ICPEAC committee members, a presentation on ICPEAC 2025 in Sapporo, and general information on other future ICPEAC meetings.


Executive and General Committee Meeting

The ICPEAC Executive Committee convened in the early evening of Tuesday, July 25 in Meeting Room 210 in the Shaw Centre. The ICPEAC Executive and General Committees met on Thursday, July 27 from 12:30 to 14:00 in the same room (lunch served).