Continuing a relatively recent ICPEAC tradition that was started in 2013, a set of four tutorial lectures will take place on July 25 at the University of Ottawa, which is a 10 min walk from the conference venue (exact location to be determined). The lectures will provide pedagogical accounts of the most recent advances in the field of photonic, electronic and atomic collisions. While targeting students and young postdocs, all registered ICPEAC delegates are welcome to attend the tutorials free of extra charge.
New frontiers in attosecond science
Paul B. Corkum (University of Ottawa and National Research Council of Canada)
Paul Corkum graduated from Lehigh University, USA, in 1972 with a Ph. D. in theoretical physics. In 1973 he joined the staff of the National Research Council of Canada where he built one of the world’s most famous groups working on the interaction of very short light pulses with matter. Corkum is a Full Professor of Physics, a Distinguished Research Chair at the University of Ottawa and directs the Joint NRC/University of Ottawa Attosecond Science Laboratory. He is a member of the Royal Societies of London and of Canada and also a foreign member of the US National Academy of Science, the Austrian Academy of Science, and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Among his many honours and recognitions, he has received the 2017 Royal Medal, for his major contributions to laser physics and the development of the field of attosecond science, as well as the National Research Council of Canada’s Schneider Medal, their highest distinction bestowed upon employees. In 2018, Corkum was awarded both the SPIE Gold Medal, and the Isaac Newton Medal and Prize from the UK Institute of Physics, and is a recipient of the 2019 Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics. In 2023, the Wolf Foundation selected Corkum as a 2022 Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics. Most recently in 2023, Corkum was awarded the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Sciences by the Spanish BBVA foundation and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
Ion-matter collisions: new challenges
Emily Lamour (Sorbonne Université)
Emily Lamour is teacher-researcher at Sorbonne University and led the team “Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation” at The Institute of NanoSciences of Paris (INSP). Since 2022, she is Deputy Director of the Physics department of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Sorbonne University. She began her career at the CIMAP laboratory where she received her Ph.D. in physics from the University of Caen (France) in 1997. There, she worked on several experiments carried out at GANIL to explore the dynamics of the ion-solid interaction at high energy. Then, she joined the Atomic Physics group of GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) to work on the ion trap facility SHIPTRAP and to participate in mass measurements of radioactive ions at ISOLTRAP at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland). In 2000, she became lecturer and joined the Solid State Physics Group at the Pierre and Marie Curie University. Ten years later, she obtain a professor position at Sorbonne University. She studies the ion-matter interaction dynamics with matter ranging from ions to solids including surfaces and clusters.
Amplitude and phase: from cross sections to delays in photoionization
Eva Lindroth (Stockholm University)
Eva Lindroth got a PhD with a focus on relativistic many-body calculations from University of Gothenburg 1987, and went afterwards for a post. doc. in Oxford to work on parity non-conservation. Since the mid nineties she is working in Stockholm and is using many-body tools to study the dynamics initiated by electrons or photons when they collide with atoms. Today her main interest is in attosecond physics and the new possibilities it offers to study phase variations of the ionized electron wave-packet, and in particular the role of autoionizing resonances.
Electron molecule collision calculations: a primer
Jonathan Tennyson (University College London)
Jonathan Tennyson is Massey Professor of Physics at University College London and a Fellow of the Royal Society. His research involves using quantum mechanics to study molecular problems of importance in areas such as plasma, atmospheric or astro- physics. After studying Natural Sciences at Cambridge, he did a PhD in Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Sussex. He was post-doc at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands. He then moved to Daresbury Laboratory in the UK where he started doing electron-molecule collision calculations before moving to an academic position at UCL. He has been involved in the development of successive versions of the UK molecular R-matrix codes which provide a computational framework for performing electron collision calculations. In 2004 he co-founded Quantemol Ltd. which sells an expert system to run electron collision calculations, plasma modelling software and does consultancy. He is also co-founder and Chair of Blue Skies Space Ltd. whose aim is to provide space science data directly to the global scientific community. His current main research activity is running the European Research Council funded ExoMol project ( which provides molecular line lists and other spectroscopic data for studies of exoplanet and other hot atmospheres.