Heavy Particles, Cold Matter


Lars Henrik Andersen, Aarhus University, Denmark Denmark
Spectroscopy of biological molecular ions   

Bindiya Arora, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada and Guru Nanak Dev University, India India
Design and underlying concepts of atomic community codes for high-precision atomic structure calculations

Doerte Blume, The University of Oklahoma, United States of America USA
Dynamics of weakly-bound molecules          

Ana de Barros, Federal Center for Technological Education – CEFET/RJ,  Brazil Brazil
Ion and photon processing of astrophysical ice analogues  

Tetsuya Hama, The University of Tokyo, Japan Japan
Experimental approaches towards understanding the surface physics and chemistry of interstellar dust and atmospheric aerosols  

Dag Hanstorp, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Sweden
Photodetachment studies with electrostatic ion-beam storage rings

Stephen D. Hogan, University College London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland UK
Experiments with cold electrostatically trapped NO and N2 molecules in high Rydberg states

Masaki Hori, Imperial College London/Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz/Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Germany UK/Germany
High precision spectroscopy of pionic helium atoms           

Akira Ishida, The University of Tokyo, Japan Japan
Recent progress towards positronium Bose-Einstein condensation

Michael Lestinsky, GSI, Germany Germany
First experiments at the CRYRING@ESR low-energy heavy ion storage ring        

Robert Loetzsch, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, Germany Germany
New test of bound-state QED: High-resolution measurement of an intra-shell transition in He-like U          

Anna Niggas, TU Wien, Austria Austria
Electron emission from 2D materials induced by highly charged ions        

Patrick Rousseau, UNICAEN – CIMAP, France France
Heavy ion interactions with biological and biomimetic systems     

Aephraim Steinberg, University of Toronto, Canada Canada
Measuring the tunneling time for ultracold atoms, and the unexpected emergence of spin textures via collisions between incident and reflected atoms    

Baoren Wei, Fudan University, China China
Dissociation mechanisms of multiply ionized small organic molecules by heavy ion impact

Roland Wester, Universität Innsbruck, Austria Austria
Quantum collisions of cold molecular ions in traps

Wania Wolff, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Brazil
Ionization of water, ammonia, and methane by proton collision: experimental and electronic configuration studies       

Henning Zettergren, Stockholm University, Sweden Sweden
Survival of free-flying polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ions         




Igor Bray, Curtin University, Australia Australia
Calculating antihydrogen formation via excited positronium-antiproton scattering

Martin Centurion, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States of America USA
Ultrafast imaging of molecular dynamics with electron diffraction

Rakesh Choubisa, BITS Pilani, India India
Ionization studies of water molecules using twisted electron beams

Maomao Gong, Shaanxi Normal University and University of Science and Technology of China, China China
The theoretical and experimental progresses in electron impact single ionization of molecules: the multicenter three-distorted-wave method and its applications

Dermot Green, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland UK
Many-body theory of positron binding to polyatomic molecules                 

Elisabeth Gruber, Universität Innsbruck, Austria Austria
Spectroscopy of molecular ions at cryogenic temperatures – Development of a novel method           

Karel Houfek, Charles University, Czechia Czech Republic
Dissociative electron attachment and electron-impact vibrational excitation of molecules                   

Jaroslav Kocisek, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czechia Czech Republic
Electron collisions with systems of increasing complexity              

Janina Kopyra, Siedlce University, Poland Poland
Electron-induced fragmentation of biologically relevant molecules                     

Ana Isabel Lozano, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal Portugal
Electron induced bond breaking in radiosensitizing compounds                 

Xinwen Ma, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China China
Progress on dielectronic recombination spectroscopy at heavy-ion storage rings         

Yugo Nagata, Tokyo University of Science, Japan Japan
Fundamental studies of positronium using a high-quality energy-tunable positronium beam

Oldrich Novotny, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik Heidelberg, Germany Germany
Dissociative recombination of molecular ions in a cryogenic storage ring            

Takuma Okumura, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan Japan
High-resolution spectroscopy of electronic K x rays from muonic atoms using transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters                

Ioan F. Schneider, Université Le Havre Normandie, France France
Electron-induced reactivity of molecular cations relevant for astrochemistry and cold plasmas          

John Sheil, ARCNL/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands The Netherlands
Modeling of EUV light source plasmas for nanolithography          

Marcio Varella, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Brazil
Chiral effects in dissociative electron attachment   




Vitali Averbukh, Imperial College London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland UK
Quantum coherence and entanglement in attosecond atomic and molecular photoionization   

Diego Boll, CONICET-UNR, Argentina Argentina
Polarization control in two-color atomic ionization

Rebecca Boll, European XFEL, Germany Germany
Soft x-ray multi-photon absorption for transient spectroscopy and Coulomb explosion imaging          

Carlo Callegari, Elettra – Sincrotone Trieste, Italy Italy
Phase-controlled multiple pulse experiments with atoms and molecules    

James Cryan, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, United States of America USA
Coherent and nonlinear attosecond spectroscopy in molecules      

Nicolas Douguet, Kennesaw State University, United States of America USA
Theoretical and numerical advances for the study of ultra-fast and strong-field phenomena in atoms and molecules   

Smita Ganguly, Lund University, Sweden Sweden
The origin of enhanced O2+ production from photoionized CO2 clusters    

Shima Gholam Mirzaei, University of Ottawa, Canada Canada
High harmonics from metal surfaces

Akiyoshi Hishikawa, Nagoya University,Japan  Japan
Ultrafast electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy with XUV FEL    

Anatoli S. Kheifets, The Australian National University, Australia Australia
Phase retrieval from angular streaking of XUV atomic ionization  

Xiaojun Liu, Innovation Academy of Precision Measurement Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China China
Ultrafast molecular imaging with intense femtosecond laser fields

Aleksandar R. Milosavljevic, Synchrotron SOLEIL, France France
Synchrotron radiation studies on complex gas-phase molecules and nanoparticles           

Saikat Nandi, Institut Lumière Matière, CNRS, France France
Studying coherent light-matter interaction with a seeded free-electron laser

Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States of America USA
Atomic photoionization by attosecond pulses: discovery of reversible spirals       

Akinobu Niozu, Hiroshima University, Japan Japan
Probing transient structures of nanoparticles by single-particle X-ray diffraction

Alicia Palacios, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain Spain
Attosecond pump-probe spectroscopy: XUV and X-ray induced ultrafast electron dynamics in gas-phase targets   

Zsuzsanna Pápa, Wigner RCP/ELI-ALPS, Hungary Hungary
Femtosecond control of plasmonic field enhancement by mode-mixing      

Annemieke Petrignani, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands The Netherlands
Spectroscopy of interstellar complex organic molecules     

Nina Rohringer, Universität Hamburg, Germany Germany
Enhancing elastic x-ray scattering by control of transient electronic populations        

Thierry Ruchon, Centre d’études de Saclay, France France
Scaling of the fractional angular momenta of a light polarization Möbius strip in extreme nonlinear optics

Markus Schöffler, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany Germany
Photoelectron circular dichroism: energy dependence and sensitivity to molecular configuration

Shunsuke Sato, University of Tsukuba, Japan Japan
Ab-initio computation for attosecond electron dynamics in solids